Enterprises are distinct areas of your business that you wish to be able to cost separately. Farmplan Business Cloud will allow you to allocate any transaction to an enterprise so that you can extract a filtered Profit & Loss report to show its particular sales and expenses.
For example you may wish to keep it simple and set up an enterprise for your Arable income/expenditure and another one for any Livestock activities.
Alternatively you could create an enterprise for each distinct crop/ harvest year, for example Winter Wheat 2022, livestock operation (e.g. Beef Suckler Herd) or diversified project (e.g. Holiday Cottage).
Enterprises may also be grouped together using Enterprise Tags so that you can report on one enterprise or several of them together.
To Activate Enterprises
In order to use enterprises in Farmplan Business Cloud, you should go to the Company Settings option and tick ‘Does the business use Enterprises?’
Setup Enterprises
The option to create enterprises is found under Tools > Enterprises.
A list of existing enterprises is displayed which can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings.
Use the search box at the top of the screen to find a specific enterprise. The yellow pencil icon will allow you to edit any of the details. An enterprise can also be deleted providing it has no entries allocated to it.
To create an enterprise click on the +New Enterprise box at the top of the screen.
Name – Give the enterprise a name which will clearly identify it both in data entry and report selections.
Description (optional) – A more complete description can be entered if required
Start and End dates (optional) – If you enter a date for this enterprise to start and/or end then it will not be offered for selection in any entry screen where the transaction falls outside of this date range. For example when you have finished allocating costs and income to a specific crop you can enter an end date so that you do not see it in the drop-down selection box anymore.
However an enterprise such as a ‘Property’ may not require a start or end date if it is ongoing i.e. perpetual.
Enterprise Tags - Enterprise tags can be used to group similar enterprises together. Each enterprise can have multiple tags but can only be allocated one from each group.
Select the tag group from the drop down list at the bottom of the screen, followed by the appropriate tag
Allocate Income and Purchases to an Enterprise
When entering any transaction you will be given the option to allocate each line to an enterprise. The existing list of enterprises which qualify by date, will be presented in drop down list; simply type the first few letters to filter the list. If you need to add a new enterprise at this point, go the + Add New button.
If an enterprise is not relevant to this particular item, then just leave it as ‘Unassigned’.
Enterprise Reporting
The Profit & Loss report can be filtered by Enterprises or Tags (i.e. groups of several enterprises) to identify sales and costs that have been allocated.
If applicable, select whether you want to filter by enterprise or tags from the drop-down list, and then the required selection. Take care that the required date range is selected so ensure that the correct figures are displayed – for example to span the whole life of a crop.
Click on specific categories to see the details of each allocated entry.
The report can be viewed on screen or exported as a pdf or Excel spreadsheet.
The General Ledger report - both summary and detailed, will also show the enterprise allocated to each item by category.
Entering Enterprises Retrospectively
If you have already been using Farmplan Business Cloud without using enterprises, you can simply add them to each transaction once you have activated the enterprise option.
For more details: