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Dext and AutoEntry imports
Luke Mayo avatar
Written by Luke Mayo
Updated over 10 months ago

Users of Dext and AutoEntry, or any other 3rd party platform which can be used to capture information from supplier invoices and produce information in a csv format, can import data from these platforms into their Farmplan accounts.

If you do not currently use a platform to capture information then it may be worth taking advantage of their free trials to see if it would benefit your business.

How does it work?

Using the existing supplier invoice import feature, you can import a csv file which has been exported from one of these data capture platforms. Depending on the platform, users can upload their categories and Enterprises from Farmplan Business Cloud (or enter the required categories/enterprises manually), to allocate these in the 3rd party platform so that when it is imported into Farmplan Business Cloud, it is imported with these details populated, to ensure efficiency and consistency of data entry.

If you choose to include the image of the invoice as part of the export, this will show as a URL within the csv file, and when imported will appear under More Actions (3 dots) | Image.

You will need to ensure image sharing is enabled within Dext/AutoEntry/other to ensure the image URL is included in the csv export.

Clicking the image link will open up the URL of the image within

Top Tip

Go to Accounting | Categories, remove any filters, and export the categories report to CSV. This can then be uploaded into your 3rd party platform to ensure consistent coding across platforms (some adjustments to the csv file might be required before uploading).
When a CSV is then exported from this platform containing supplier invoice data, you will need to ensure that the column with the category code is titled 'Category' in the csv to import back in to Farmplan Business Cloud, so that all of the allocation is brought into the system.

It is currently not possible to export the list of Enterprises setup within FBC, however these can be manually entered into your 3rd party platform if required.

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