When would I use this feature?
Invoices - You can import all of your previous invoices into Farmplan Business Cloud from your start date in Farmplan Business Cloud.
NB: If you have outstanding invoices before your start date, then opening balances will have to be entered to account for them.
If you use another program, for example Farmplan’s Property Manager, to create Sales invoices then you can import them directly into Farmplan Business Cloud without the need to rekey them manually, providing the file is in the right format.
Importing invoices
If invoices are created outside of Farmplan Business Cloud or you want to import all your invoices from a previous period you will need to have your invoices listed in a CSV file with the following column headings (the order does not matter):
AccountRef – this is the Customer or Supplier Reference (short name) of the trader. Although it is not mandatory to have this field, if it matches with the Customer Reference in Farmplan Business Cloud then it, and its associated default category, will be preselected as part of the import process.
Category - note this will be matched on the shortcut number of the category code, not the full name
For example:
To import these go to: Customers or Suppliers > New > Imports.
The remainder of the process is similar to importing customers.
Pick the type of Customer (or Supplier) Invoice Import. You will also need to pick the date format that matches the one used in your CSV file – for example DD/MM/YYYY in the above example.
Check that each entry has been coded correctly. You can adjust them from this screen or add new categories if required. Check the VAT status of each entry as the program will assume they are all Standard Rated (ST) so remember to change anything that might be Non VATable (NV - Outside the scope) so they are treated correctly on the VAT return.
If you would like to upload split invoices i.e. with multi-lines, make sure that the same value is used for 'InvoiceRef' for each line item (split) within the invoice. See Invoice 794 in the above example. The amounts all relate to that individual item on that row.
Please note - each split line will need to be coded to the relevant category. Use the orange split button at the end of the line.
Initially only 10 entries are shown on the screen so you can do them in batches of 10 or click on 'Show More' at the bottom to display more.
Once you're happy, you can click the checkbox next to each entry (or the heading to select all) and then 'Confirm Checked Invoices'.
See Also