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Customer Invoices

To enter sales invoices issued to your customers

Luke Mayo avatar
Written by Luke Mayo
Updated over a week ago

There are several different ways of entering customer invoices in Farmplan Business Cloud. If you create the customer invoices yourself in Microsoft Word or through other similar software, you can manually enter them into Farmplan Business Cloud.

Large numbers of invoices can be imported from a csv file. A copy of the document can then be attached to the transaction.

Alternatively, you can create and send invoices from within Farmplan Business Cloud itself. This also allows you to produce a professional layout (Document Settings), email them to your customers, set up payment reminders and automatically send recurring invoices to your customers. An audit trail will allow you to track the progress of each invoice.

Invoice settings

Before entering any invoices you will need to select your chosen entry method. There are 2 different layouts of the entry screen - Batch Mode which is the quickest way of entering multiple entries where you do not need to produce anything to give to a customer, or Document Mode which will allow you to print or email a professional document.

To do this go to Document Settings > Invoice Options Tab, as shown below:

If you do not tick that you would like Farmplan to create your invoices, perhaps because you are creating your invoices elsewhere or you only receive self-billing invoices, the entry screen will be in the simple batch format i.e. similar to purchase invoices. If you want to print/email invoices tick the box. See Document Settings.

Entering manual invoices – batch mode

To manually enter your invoices go to Customers > Customer Invoices>New > Invoice.

Alternatively, you can also enter new sales invoices by clicking the Quick Links menu and then selecting New Customer Invoice.

You are then able to enter the details of your invoices, as shown below:

Each transaction will need the following details:

Date: This is the date on the invoice

Account: This is the trader. New ones can be added at the bottom of the drop down list.

Category: Pick the category that this transaction relates to. New categories can be added from the bottom of the list. If applicable the customer can be allocated a default category in which case it will be automatically displayed.

Inv. Ref: the reference on the invoice (usually the invoice number)

Description: Write a brief description of what this transaction is for. This will be useful for future searches and will help your accountant at the end of the year.

Currency: It is only necessary to use this if you have opted to use multi-currencies.

Quantity/Price: If applicable enter the number of items that have been sold and the unit price. The net total will be automatically calculated for you.

Net: The figure before VAT

Tax Code: This will default to the code that you have opted to use with the selected category when you created it, providing this business is VAT registered see Company Settings > Financial Info. If no default code has been selected then it will use the Standard rate. This can be changed if applicable.

VAT: The VAT amount will be calculated but can be overwritten if necessary providing there is no quantity/price.

If you have used a quantity/price then you will need to add an additional line using the split line option to add or remove any rounding difference.

Please note: If you specified in the initial wizard that you are not VAT registered you will only see the total amount field with no reference to VAT.

You are also able to use different VAT schemes such as Flat Rate – see Company Settings – Financial Info.

If you are VAT registered, there are several different VAT codes you can use on your invoices:

  • ST: This is standard VAT. This is automatically set at the current rate of 20% but can be edited if necessary.

  • Z: This covers services/products you provide that are zero-rated for example grain and livestock sales.

  • RR: Reduced Rate. Use this if some of the services/products you provide need to be entered at the reduced rate of 5%.

  • NV: This covers transactions that are outside the scope of VAT. You may require this where VAT does not apply, such as private income or capital introduced.

  • EX: This covers services/products you provide that are exempt from VAT. An example of exempt income is domestic rents.

  • P and P1: These codes are used if you need to make Partial Exemption calculations. (P - Partially Recoverable and P1 - Irrecoverable.)

  • ES and EG are for Euro sales of services and Euro sales of goods to another EU VAT registered business. An EC sales list can be produced and submitted to HMRC in the Reports section. (Pre January 2021 or Northern Ireland only).

  • RC: Reverse Charge. This tax code can be used for businesses in the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) see Domestic Reverse Charge. It has also been made available for the relevant transactions with the EU. See Post Brexit VAT Changes. If you are unsure which tax code to use, please seek help from your accountant.

Multiple Lines – If this entry has more than one item on it, then use the Split button at the end of the line, rather than filling in the detail on this screen.

The detail can then be entered for each individual line – use the + sign to add more lines.

To enter another invoice click the plus button. Once you have finished simply click 'Save All'.

Creating and sending invoices - Document Layout

If you have chosen to create your customer invoices in Farmplan Business Cloud itself, you will have a few more options to choose from. To see these go to Document Settings > Invoice Options Tab, as shown below:

It's always best to ensure your invoice settings are set correctly before raising any invoices.

If you would like to create an invoice document put a tick in ‘Would you like Farmplan to create your invoices?’ This will also make the entry screen layout look like a full page invoice, although the detail required is the same as the batch layout – see above. Service invoices just have a net amount per item, whereas product invoices will allow a quantity and price.

Invoice Referencing: This setting allows you to enter the invoice reference prefix and starting number. You can also include a customer reference unique to your customer when adding or editing customers.

Automated Reminders: You should tick this box if you would like Business Cloud to automatically send email reminders to customers to make sure that they pay you on time. Once selected you will be presented with the option to set up your reminders, including the frequency and the content of the emails. You will be given the option to include the reminder on each invoice.

Invoice Text: There is a box for 'Default Invoice Text' which you can use to enter any text you would like at the bottom of your invoice. For example, you may want to add a note thanking customers or suppliers for their business, or add in your payment information or invoice terms such as 'Payment due 30 days from the date of this invoice'.

Invoice Template: You have the option to choose between various templates for your invoices. Click on the Design Options tab and select the invoice you prefer most. You can also upload your company logo here to appear on your invoices when you create them.

Now you have completed the invoice set up, it's time to start invoicing.

To create your invoices in Farmplan Business Cloud go to Customers > Customer Invoices > New Invoice. You are then able to enter the details of your invoices, as shown below:

You will be asked for key information so that Business Cloud can prepare your invoice – the details are similar to the batch layout above.

Pick the customer from the drop down list (you can add a new one from here if they are not on the list), the category (usually from revenue), the description and the quantity/price or net value. You can add further rows, including contra charges, by clicking on the blue '+' button.

You then have a few options for what to do next:

  • Save and Next: This will allow you to save the invoice and enter another one straight away.

  • Save and View: This will present you with a preview of the invoice. From here you can then edit, delete, convert to PDF or email the invoice to your customer.

  • Save and Finish: This will save your invoice and take you back to the Customers’ screen.

  • Save and Recur: If you know you will regularly invoice this customer for the same amount then you can select this option which will allow you to automate future invoices to save time.

Once your invoice has been created you can return to the Customers’ screen to see the increased amount the customer owes to you. You can view all previously created invoices by clicking on their name. This allows you to drill down into each invoice to see an audit of the actions that have happened to this invoice e.g. when it was created/emailed/paid etc.

When customers pay your invoices, you will apply those payments to the appropriate invoices when you process your banking transactions in the Banking tab.

To view a list of invoices along with their current payment status go to the View button at the bottom of the Customer list.

Payment reminders, recurring invoices and payment collections are also available.

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