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Data Entry - Customers and Suppliers
Automatic allocation of overpayments and on account balances
Automatic allocation of overpayments and on account balances

This article explains how the system deals with overpayments and on account balances, and how you can manage these.

Luke Mayo avatar
Written by Luke Mayo
Updated over a week ago

In Farmplan Business Cloud, unallocated (on account) balances are automatically applied to the next invoice entered for that particular customer or supplier.

However, the next invoice might not be the correct invoice to allocate the balance to, and therefore this article will explain how these balances occur and how you can control which invoice(s) the balance is applied to.

How are these balances created?

There are two ways to end up with unallocated balances; either through posting an overpayment when paying an invoice, or if a paid/part paid invoice is credited/part-credited.

Overpaying an invoice example:

Invoice for £878.64 but £978.64 paid through the bank, leaving an unallocated amount of £100.

Crediting a paid invoice example:

Invoice 12398 paid in full over two payments. Credit note then entered for £120 to the original invoice, leaving an unallocated amount of £120.

Both of these scenarios would leave you with an unallocated balance that will be automatically applied to the next invoice.

Using the first example above which left a £100 balance, when the next invoice is entered it will apply all (or some of, if the invoice is less than the unallocated balance) to that next invoice. If only some of the balance is used, it will then do the same to the next invoice and so on until that balance is fully allocated.

How do I know when an amount has been automatically allocated to an invoice?

When a new invoice has been entered, and you click to save the invoice entry, you will be presented with a green banner at the top of the page to inform you that some or all of the invoice has been paid by an overpayment.

The audit of the invoice within the supplier record card would show that it has been part paid.

What if I do not want that overpayment allocated to the new invoice?

If you do not want the overpayment allocated to the new invoice, then you can simply unlink the payment. See the method for unlinking the payments from a supplier invoice and customer invoice below.

Supplier invoices

Finding and unlinking the overpayment

An easy way to find the assigned payments to an invoice is to go to Suppliers > Supplier Invoices.

Under Actions, select the green button with 3 white dots - Payments

This will show you the overpayments allocated to that invoice.

You can then choose to unlink the overpayment using the scissors icon under actions.

Customer Invoices

If you are using Farmplan Business Cloud to create customer invoices, please follow the steps below.

Finding and unlinking the overpayment

An easy way to find the assigned overpayments to an invoice is to go to Customers > Customer Invoices.

Clicking the blue hyperlink on the invoice will allow you to view the invoice and all allocated payments.

You can then choose to unlink the overpayment using the scissors icon under actions.

Re-allocating the overpayment

Once the overpayment has been unlinked, it will automatically be allocated to the next invoice entered for that supplier or customer. If you still do not want it allocated to the next invoice then you can repeat the steps above to unlink the allocation.

However, if there is already an invoice on the system which you now want to link the overpayment to, you simply click in to edit that specific invoice, and click 'Save'. This will then automatically allocate the overpayment to that existing invoice.

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