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Credit Notes - Customers

To issue credit notes to reduce the amount owed to you by a customer

Luke Mayo avatar
Written by Luke Mayo
Updated over 10 months ago

Sales credit notes are used to reduce the amounts owed to you by a customer.

You may need to issue a credit note to one of your customers who has previously been billed by your business.

It may also be sent to you by one of your customers if they normally issue self-billing invoices (for example for grain or livestock sales).

Credit notes must be assigned to an existing invoice, though they do not have to be for the same amount and can be used to clear part of an invoice. If the invoice that they are allocated to has already been paid then the balance will be treated as an overpayment and will be applied to any future invoices.

How to issue a credit note to your customers

Go to Customers > Customer Credit Notes > New Credit Note

The exact method will depend on whether you are using Document Mode or Batch Entry Mode.

Document Mode

If you have opted to allow Farmplan to create your invoices (See Document Settings – Invoice Options) you will see this screen layout:

Select the customer the credit note is being issued to along with date of the credit note.

Next, pick the invoices that you wish to credit, either in full or partially by clicking +Select Invoices.

Confirm the invoices to be credited from the list of all current outstanding invoices. You will get the chance to change the amounts to be credited at the next stage.

The following screen will list all the selected invoices which can be either credited in full or by line – just tick the relevant boxes for the full amount.

Alternatively, if the amount to be credited differs from the original invoice you can type the amount to be credited on the credit line.

Once the credit note has been saved, you can view/edit and email it in the same way as Sales Invoices.

Batch Mode

If you have not ticked the option for Farmplan to create invoices (Document Settings) the screen layout will be in batch mode.

Pick the customer and the invoice(s) that this relates to by clicking on the green Invoices button i.e. the Inv.Ref field.

Confirm the invoices to be credited, either in full or part, from the list of all current outstanding invoices.

The following screen will list all the selected invoices which can be either credited in full or by line – just tick the relevant boxes.

Alternatively, if the amount to be credited differs from the original invoice you can type a figure under the Credit Amount column.

NB if you cannot see all the items on a multi-line invoice use the arrow to expand the view.

Once the credit note has been saved, you can view/edit it in the same way as Sales Invoices.


To ensure your Enterprise analysis is as accurate as possible, we have introduced the feature that if you retrospectively update the Enterprise on a credited invoice, it will automatically update the Enterprise on the credit note for you.

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