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How do I remove automated bank feeds?

How to cancel an automated bank feed and remove its connection to Farmplan Business Cloud

Luke Mayo avatar
Written by Luke Mayo
Updated over 5 months ago

To cancel an automated bank feed and remove its connection to Farmplan Business Cloud, edit the 'Entry Method'.

You can do this by navigating to the Banking > Bank Accounts and clicking on the yellow 'Edit' button next to the relevant bank account under the Banking tab.

You can then choose your preferred Entry Method.

If you do not use bank feeds for 3 months, Farmplan Business Cloud will automatically delete the connection to your bank.

Please note, if you reconnect your bank feed after the 3 months and then pull transactions for a period in which transactions have already been confirmed, duplicates may occur. Instead, it is recommended to use the suggested 'Pull From' date in Farmplan Business Cloud when reconnecting.

If you would like the connection deleted instantly then you should contact your bank.

Farmplan is a trading name of Telus Agriculture & Consumer Goods (UK) Limited, which is an agent of Plaid Financial Ltd., an authorised payment institution regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (Firm Reference Number: 804718). Plaid provides you with regulated account information services through Farmplan as its agent.

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