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How do I customise my Home Page

To edit the layout of the Home Page

Luke Mayo avatar
Written by Luke Mayo
Updated over a month ago

The home page gives an overview of the business performance with a selection of graphs covering key areas.

These graphs can be selected or hidden by clicking on the Edit Dashboard button at the top right-hand side of the screen.

Note - there may be different options available to those shown in the screenshot, depending on your level of access and the business type. For example, if you're a Limited Company then would see a Dividend Availability overview.

Date range for graphs

All graphs will show the financial information for the period selected in the Categories screen so if you would like to see the business overview graphs for a particular period this can be done by going to Accounting > Categories and then changing the date on the Categories report.

Note - remember to update this screen by clicking the update button next to the dates as shown to reflect the new period chosen.

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