How do I process Inter-Bank Transfers?

Moving money from one bank account to another or paying a credit card

Luke Mayo avatar
Written by Luke Mayo
Updated over a week ago

If you have multiple bank and/or credit card accounts in Farmplan Business Cloud, you may wish to transfer funds from one account to the other (inter-bank transfer).

To do this, when categorising your banking transactions, you should select the other bank account as the category.

For example, if you have transferred £104.23 from your bank account to your credit card account then you will select 'Credit Card' as the category when you come across the payment.

The above will reduce the bank balance by £104.23 and reduce the negative balance on the credit card account by £104.23.

Please note: You should only process transfers through one of the accounts. After processing the above transaction you would not need to categorise the 'Money In' of £104.23 on the credit card statement as this will have been completed automatically for you.

Doing so would cause you to duplicate the transaction. Using the example above this duplication would cause you to reduce your bank balance by £208.46 (2 x £104.23) and reduce the negative balance on your credit card account by £208.46 (2 x £104.23), which would be incorrect.

If you are using the bank file import option or bank feed option, Farmplan Business Cloud will usually recognise that the 2nd half has already been processed and warn you to ignore it. Automatic bank rules can be set to ignore the second half to avoid duplication.

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